Saturday, April 28, 2012

Great news

I have recently learned that I got accepted into a co-op table selling locally handmade goods at a place in Fredericton called the Barracks.  This will be my first time selling my own handmade goods, I am really excited!  I plan to make a schedule of bag making which I will follow strictly.  I'll be working 80 hours a week for the next month, but it will be worth it.

In other news I just learned that UNB is going to offer me some funding as a grad student of sociology.  I had previously decided to decline the acceptance but now I'm reconsidering.  I'll be getting the letter soon.

also this week I won a raffle at work.  I'm pretty positive that its the first time I have ever won a raffle prize.  I was really excited and relieved.  The higher ups at work pulled me off the phones in the middle of my day with no explanation.  I was sure that they were going to tell me that I was doing everything wrong and that I was fired but instead they presented me with a $25 gift certificate!  They even took my picture, I had actually bothered to straighten my hair that day too, this week was full of good fortune.

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